Rh- Negatives have Different Proteins also in their Brains

There has been a lot of speculation about Rh- negatives´ alien background, especially among the Rh- negatives. Many of them feel “different” comparing to Rh- positives.  Studies reveal that there are indeed good reasons to feel “different”, because Rh- negatives have even different proteins in their brains, and they also have different amino acids and nucleotides, which indicate strongly to another, distinctive evolution or creation path.

A fifth of the human genome regulates proteins, thus the fifth of the Rh- negatives genome is likely different comparing to Rh- positives. Differences may vary, depending on mixing with Rh- positive hunter- gatherer- populations.

Sumerian ruling class, as well as the ruling class of Ancient Egypt or Kemi, as it was called at ancient times, were Rh- negatives. They created sciences, agriculture and metal work. Whole western civilization leans on Sumerian- Aryans´ cultural and intellectual achievements. Hunter- gatherers were Rh- positive and their descendants form a majority of modern world. These people evolved or were genetically manipulated from apes. The problem is that they intent to suppress the whole history of the Earth into their ape- hominid level, as there wasn´t anything else, but there certainly was. Numerous remnants and fossils from the early stages of the Earth discovered in geological and other maps, reveal us an ancient, advanced alien civilization which had a knowledge far beyond our modern technology. I have presented many of these Anunnakis´ remnants in my videos and nearly all of them come with coordinates. I also present one of these ancient fossils, which could be ancestors of the Rh- negative people.





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